​​​​​​​My role: Research and Design Strategy
Advisor digital presence
and its relation to lead generation
​​​​​This presentation is created based on a gap and an opportunity that I have identified when researching on the topic of “Connect [a client] with an Advisor”. The focus of my presentation is on the advisors’ online presence and its relation to enhancing their lead generation.
When researching the space, I realized a gap in the digital representation of Freedom 55 advisors. This lead me to create a digital growth business case for Freedom 55 online presence. The case covers the steps from MVP to a suggested optimum presentation of the Advisors, and the need for consistency in the company brand image. 
Who are Advisors: 
Advisors are a team individuals who usually have an entrepreneurial spirit and are eager to run their own business, the best way possible. They are licensed to sell insurance and stock products and they are responsible for most of their respective company’s revenue generation.

I took a closer look at the day to day business of an advisor: 
Take Chris as an example. Chris is an entrepreneur with expertise in sales and finance. He has a young family and has been a Freedom 55 advisor for a few years now.​​​​​​​
I brought the attention of the stakeholders to how the advisors were represented at the moment
I showed the patched quilt of variety of website representations for our advisors out there on the web. Something rather confusing for any user who wanted to know the relation between each advisor to Freedom 55 company. 
I have detected few different problems, that if fixed, could enhance the user experience and satisfaction, and in return the lead generation and the revenue generation for both advisors and the company. 
I asked the question:
What can we change to enhance the user experience?
Based on my research on several competitors: 
- By providing a professional online presence for our advisors, on our websites. 
This will help us to make sure our message is clear, consistent, and compliant.
- We can give the advisors some of their time back by allowing them to present themselves through our site, with an extended advisor profile.
- We can help the users to complete their journey of “connect with an advisor” by giving the users the info they need about the advisors, all in one place within our website.
\While change to a multi faceted profile is ideal, but it is not always feasible. Therefor, I have suggested a phased approach, to make this change possible. ​​​​​​​
Today, Freedom 55 is a part of Canada Life. Advisors still do not have a complete digital representation in comparison to their counterparts from other companies in Canada and US. 
The case for digital growth stays valid, till further changes are applied to present Freedom 55 advisors in a more comprehensive and consistent way. www.canadalife.com/find-an-advisor
Such cases are seen to be successfully tackled by companies like Compass real estate www.compass.com/agents who has a team dedicated to create digital material for their agents. 

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